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2 Recipes steps


Preparation time: 15 minutes
Leave to sit for: 12 hours at 16°C

    Dissolve the gelatine powder in cold water.
    Cook the sugar and water at 110°C.
    Add the melted gelatine and combine with the beaten egg whites.
    Beat at a constant medium speed until firm. When the marshmallow is still warm, use a spatula to stir in the melted GUANAJA 70% chocolate and the cocoa powder. When the mixture reaches 45/50°C, pour it into a piping bag without a nozzle and pipe it into the “bear cubs” silicone mould greased with grape seed oil.
    Leave to set for 12 hours.


Preparation time: 20 minutes

    Melt the chocolate or the Inspiration at 45°C, then temper it using the seeding method.
    Coat the marshmallows with the seeded and tempered couverture.

    * Check out the chef’s tip to see how to temper your couverture using the seeding technique.

Chef’s Tip

Tempering using the seeding technique, for 600g of chocolate: melt two thirds of the chocolate in a bain-marie or in the microwave. Increase the temperature to 50/55°C. Once this temperature has been reached, add the remaining third of the unmelted chocolate. Start mixing by hand, then using a hand blender. Be careful not to incorporate any air bubbles. Check the temperature of the chocolate - it should be 31/32°C. The chocolate is now tempered. Make sure you keep the chocolate at this temperature while you work with it. If you need to, use a hairdryer to reheat its surface. Spread the tempered chocolate between two guitar sheets using a rolling pin and leave to set for two hours at room temperature.